Teacher Appreciation Week!

Since I’ve been the beneficiary of a lot of life-changingly good teaching throughout my life, I thought I’d post a little honor roll of teachers that I really appreciate this week:

  1. Dr. Nancy Rosenberger, Conestoga High School. For teaching me American Literature, and much more importantly for teaching me how to write.
  2. Dr. Athanasios Moulakis, who taught me Euclid when I was a student at St. John’s college, and so started me on the road to mathematics.
  3. Dr. John McCleary, who taught me calculus (and a great deal more) from a historical perspective (and also to love Proofs and Refutations).
  4. Dr. Shmuel Weinberger, who taught me how to teach small children to solve mazes by trivializing the normal bundle in the course of the single most eye-opening yearlong course I’ve ever taken.
  5. Dr. Herman Gluck, who taught me how to construct things with mathematics instead of just solving problems.
  6. Leslie Horn and Ragan Garrett, for teaching my daughter to read!

Go teachers!